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Blamed, Being Dream Interpretation

sleeping boy

An issue of responsibility or blame.

Being blamed when you actually were at fault can represent: a willingness to take responsibility for your actions, your perception of a particular person or environment as fair.

Being or feeling falsely accused can represent: a real, feared, or imagined situation in which you felt blamed for something you didn’t do, a denial of or failure to accept responsibility for something you did, a feeling that someone is refusing to take responsibility or is trying to shift blame away from themselves.

See Also: Blaming, Apology, Forgiving, Confronted, Being, Caught, Being, Denying, Admitting, Judgment or Disapproval, Rule or Law, Crime, Suing, Bully


Sources and Authors

  1. The Curious Dreamer’s Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]

36 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about blamed related.

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A to Z Dream Interpretation