1. Aspect of self set aside, repressed until now.
2. A message from the subconscious, usually about direction in life (inscription).
3. Long life ahead.
[1]See Also: Tombstone.
[2]Please wait, your dream is being interpreted...
1. Aspect of self set aside, repressed until now.
2. A message from the subconscious, usually about direction in life (inscription).
3. Long life ahead.
[1]See Also: Tombstone.
[2]A tombstone may indicate the need to revisit the gravesite of a dead relative symbolically in order to unravel limiting attitudes and patterns learned from this person.The headston...
Learn more about the meaning of Tombstone(see Burial, Death, Holy Ground, Tomb) Death, endings or conclusions, in literal or figurative terms.If any of the headstones had writing, what did they say? Any messages here coul...
Learn more about the meaning of Cemetery